petek, 25. januar 2013

Kraak&Smaak and Katja Šulc show @ Kino Šiška

Katja Šulc @ Kino Šiška (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Kraak&Smaak @ Kino Šiška (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Finally I got out and shot a concert! Finally! It was over a month since the last show and I really missed the adrenaline rush. 

This music is really not my piece of cake, but I still enjoyed the show.

sreda, 16. januar 2013

Best of....

I was busy those last days... staying at home and studying for my very last exam. But I was also busy getting all my archive photos in order - those 2 years of photographing were a bit hectic and I never found time (or I never took it) to delete all those out of focus photos. And I really need to learn working with Lightroom and catalogues :)
But now I did it...sort of... and I'm preparing "Best of..." blog posts... best of different stuff I shot on concerts.

In 2012 I shot 2 festivals, 24 concerts and 87 different bands, including some really big names (in my opinion). So I have a lot of photos to sort out ...

sreda, 2. januar 2013

Doing that crazy thing ...

What crazy thing??? Blogging!

This decision was growing in my head for quite some time now and it will be a long way to make this blog mine and to feel like it really represents me.

Photography, cooking, photography, DIY projects, photography, crafts, photography... yesss... lots of stuff will be going up here all through photography.
I have plans, but right now i need to find time to blog in between 8 hours of work and studying for my last exam.

So this post is short...actually just to write something up here :)

