nedelja, 26. januar 2014





Day 25 - MORNING (jutro)

Good morning! After only few hours of sleep I was already at work - outside beautiful sunny winter day but I had to spent it in the office. So therefore I was on the other side of the fence - office was like a prison and the sun was shining on the other side.

Day 24 - PLAY (igra)

Another night, another concert - again searching for key word in the show :) 

This time I picked this photo from Warbringer drummer because it is hard to catch a drummer playing but I nailed it this time. (more photos from the gig will follow in another blog post!)

sobota, 25. januar 2014

Day 23 - THE LOOK (pogled)

On Thursday I was working late - shooting Severa Gjurin acoustic concert. Most of the time I shoot rock, punk and metal gigs, so this one was pretty unusual for me. I was sceptic what to expect - sitting concert, new unknown venue, sold out... but it turned out ok. I was amazed by her voice! 

So the whole gig I had the key word in mind, waiting to catch some beautiful expression on her face - and this is the look she had while singing and I liked it the most.

sreda, 22. januar 2014

Day 22 - DISCOVERED (odkrito)

Today I discovered something that somehow amazes and scares me alltogether - my body is capable of flexibility and strenght I tought I never had! It was my 2nd full boot camp Valkira practice at Femini and all my muscles hurt like hell from previous ones, but somehow I didn't give up and was working it whole hour. 
Planking - I can't do that... no F* way... 40 seconds? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I have never tried planking before! But I found strenght and focus in me and did 3! series of 40second plank and it felt amazing. 

So now, when I'm writing this, I can barely lift my cup with cocoa and I feel great!

torek, 21. januar 2014

Day 21 - I READ (berem)

What I am reading those days and what I wish I could be reading... I'm reading mostly articles and stuff for my masters degree, determined to finish it soon, and hoping I somehow find/save money to start my PhD studies in October. If only days could have more hours, or if humans wouldn't need any sleep, ... to much things that need to be done, and so many wishes what to do in my life... but sadly not enough time. 

So this is one of the books I purchased last months. It's about concert photography - one can't know everything, and it was a good reading to inspire myself to be creative.

Day 20 - GENUINE (pristno)

Genuine handmade gift :) this is the gift my boyfriends mother gave to us some time ago and I really like it. In our previous appartment we had it on a wall, but we didn't make any holes to walls in our new place so for now it still rests on a shelf. 

It is handmade guardian angel by Miša Shaker. 

nedelja, 19. januar 2014

Day 15 - 19

Due to special circumstances I am fashionably late with posting again. It was a busy week that ended with my birthday and therefore celebrations and a bit of travelling around Slovenia, and I refused to take computer with me. I admit, some photos were not done on the day they should be (2 of them are taken later), but I still wanted to follow all the key words. And surprisingly, I am taking more photos with my phone and not with DSLR. As they say - the best camera is the one that you have with you all the time.

So here we go:

Day 15 - ...MAKES ME LAUGH (me nasmeji)

He makes me laugh - even when I really don't want to! So now you can meet Urban, and even see how I look :) he wasn't in the mood to pose today, so I used this one from our friday trip. 

Day 16 - BIG (velik)

Big challenge for today - concert season already started, so I was shooting in Gromka. Lights were as usual horrible - 2 small red lights on both sides of the stage. So the big challenge for that night was to use external flash (which I don't use at all if I am not forced to use it, and I really don't know how to use it properly). This is a result of the experiment. 

Day 17 - HOME (dom)

Slovenia is my home. Even if I want to see the world, even move somewhere where I could get better job, and be paid more ... it will always be my home. 
So it was my birthday that day, and Urban took me on a trip - a surprise trip. He told me like 15 minutes before where we would go, so I could dress properly. We went to Postojna cave, because in all of my 25 years on the Earth I was never there, and he remembered. It was awesome! 

Day 18 - ORDINARY (navaden)

It was no ordinary day - it was the day that my family came to my birthday dinner and I had to cook for 10 people. It was so stresfull (because I always cook for 1 or 2) that I forgot to take pictures of cooking. So I took a photo of the gifts after. And here it is - my birthday card - which is not an ordinary card, but carefully written and made by my little cousin who is now in 1st grade. 

Day 19 - VISITOR (obiskovalec)

Today is the day when I have too many tasks to do. I even made a memo note in case I forget something. Writing plans for the week, writing menues for the week, blogging, sending emails to my diploma mentors, ... washing clothes... too much to do this evening. But I am happy because I am almost through with all the hardest work from the plan. 
So all visitors, please stay on the other side of the doors - I don't have time for you today!

torek, 14. januar 2014

Day 14 - OUTSIDE (zunaj)

It is the outside of a book I was so impatiently waiting last 3 weeks. It is a collection of Ross Halfin photos through 25 years when he was shooting for Metallica. As a concert photographer I find inspiration in that kind of books. So after I read it, it will proudly take its place on my shelf beside other books I already bought and will buy soon - my wishlist is never ending.

Now off to beed, to see what hides in this beauty!

(oh yes, as you can see it is an instagram photo - I'm a bit in pain from today's first workout and too lazy to lift a dslr :) )

ponedeljek, 13. januar 2014

Day 13 - DREAMS (sanje)

Is this a dream or reality? 5 year anniversary today with my boyfriend. 5 years are a bit long time, but with him it all just happened so fast like it was only yesterday. Like a dream, which I hope I'll never wake up. 

And this lovely bouquet was waiting for me when I got home from work :)

Day 12 - WEAK (šibek)

I refuse to be weak! Tomorrow I'm starting Valkira program at Femini sports center. Can't wait to do something good about my body and health which was neglected for too long.

sobota, 11. januar 2014

Day 11 - RED (rdeča)

Thay say optimism pays off, and so did this time. I went out to get some fresh air, optimistically thinking I would find something red in this gray winter. And I did! I found 4 red motives today - an apple on compost, red house number sign, red package of some cookies someone throw beside the road and this red berries on some bush I don't know its name. 

petek, 10. januar 2014

Day 10 - REAL (resnično)

After a long day, thinking what should I photograph it was already dark outside and also dark in my head and no inspiration. And then revelation hit me after listening the same 10s piece of the same song about 20 or more times in a row - I REALLY NEED GOOD HEADPHONES! Damn this is really nerve wracking, my hobby is photography but my boyfriends hobby is (working/creating/mixing/StuffLikeThat...) music, so you can imagine why I need good headphones - because sadly not all music is good :) and even if it is, listening for the same song all over again for couple of hours gets on your nerves.

So mission completed for today!

četrtek, 9. januar 2014

Day 9 - HERE I STAND (tu stojim)

I stood here, waiting for the bus to come, nervously watching people around me if they think I'm strange taking a photo of the ground. It is only a sign for a bus station, but it means more - the ground is cracked, dirty and cold - just like life is hard. but the bright yellow is a colour sign for better tomorrow. 

Day 8 - IN THE AIR (v zraku)

I messed up with posting again, but this time it was hilarious mistake - I was thinking all day about the photo and decided to cook nice dinner and take a photo of it. Because it would smell heavenly (not that this is something I could  share with you) in the air. Dinner was done, I was really hungry and ate all of it and then I sat down in front of computer and wanted to blog a photo, but there was no photo! 

*facepalm*and*a*LOUD*nooooooo* "I ATE MY PHOTO FOR THE DAY!" 

You could imagine the look on my boyfriend's face when he heard me and didn't know at first what I was talking about... So I cheated again and did it today, but it's a good thing because I cooked again and didn't just settle for frozen meal.

It smelled heavenly! And this is my new addition to the things I can cook - Zuccini soup.

P.S. I promise to myself I would learn to take better photos of food!

sreda, 8. januar 2014

Day 7 - REFLECTION (odsev)

After 8 hours of waiting and uploading blog post via blogger app I officially say: IT IS CRAP! It didn't upload yesterdays post so I'm writing it again today and again braking my rule to post everyday. 
The reason why was I uploading through android app is that I took a walk from work to home yesterday and I made photo with my phone. Didn't have dslr with me and wasn't in the mood to go photo chasing again later.

Key word was reflection, so I decided to show reflection on december and holidays. It was nice walking through Ljubljana city centre and not being disturbed by hordes of tourists that visit every year in december. Beautiful reflection on holiday time, and now back to depressive days that are ahead of me - 9 days until my birthday, and then all year of no presents for me again... :(

ponedeljek, 6. januar 2014

Day 6 - FORGOTTEN (pozabljen)

Sitting on my couch, with todays photo already taken, I know there are to many things and tasks I forgot about. Until the last moment I thought I was gona clean my make up supply to see what I have and what I need, and because I buy tons of new make up every month and then I forget I have it already and order the same one again... and this stash of forgotten make up would be my photo. But because I'm lazy by default and if I search the whole appartment for make up I would then need to organize it and find it a new place... so then I thought I would open my closet and photograph what a mess is in it, because for the last year since the last moving I forgot about this mess on purpose, because I'm a bit of hoader and don't have a heart to get rid of something that does not fit me for 2 years already. 

And then I was thinking and thinking...and I saw my beloved blender on kitchen counter. Blender I was so crazy about and was saving to buy it and when I bought it I drank smoothies every morning for about a month or two. And now it sits forgotten, waiting for me to start making smoothies again. One of my NY resolutions was to start eating more healthy, so I guess it is time to start blending at 6:30 a.m. again! I know my boyfriend won't like the idea of early morning wake up from the sound of blender - so sorry for this in advance :)

Day 6 - done! Only 359 to go :)

nedelja, 5. januar 2014

Day 5 - GOOD (dobro)

A very hard word for me - good. A lot of thoughts about it, but not even one good idea how to show it. And then I was hungry :) and as Snickers add says: "Lačen si ful drugačen!" My boyfriend ordered some food from Dobra vila (Good Fairy), so I got my key word from that. And because the burger was so delicious, it became my main photo of the day - representing good. 

Ahh, and now I need to think about going to the gym 2 times this week and start to eat healthy... 

Day 4 - STILL LIFE (tihožitje)

First resolution broken - I didn't blog about a photo yesterday. I just took a day off tehnology and let my comuputer turned off. So, today there will be 2 posts :) and 1st one is already here - key word for yesterday was still life. When someone says "still life" I instantly think about painting with vase of flowers, or bowl of fruit... so my version of still life is a bit different - I guess I could put those chocolates in a glass or a bowl, but I decided to leave them in a box and focus only on them, ignoring the package and negative space around it.

petek, 3. januar 2014

Day 3 - PASSAGE (prehod)

Today is a shitty day. I feel I want to beat somebody, or get beaten to feel physical pain and not emotional. At first I just wanted to ignore taking a photo today, but why would I let someone who pissed me take away what I love the most?! And then I decided to make a photo representing how I feel, keeping the key word in my mind and this is what I created. A passage, a black hole that sucks in every bad feeling, the anger in me and then elevates me again, and I'm feeling more calm and in control. 

četrtek, 2. januar 2014

Day 2 - ME TODAY (jaz danes)

It's the 2nd day of new year, and also a 2nd day of 365 project and I am overloaded with last year "sins". First I was sick before Christmas, and then I went to visit my parents for a week and now I have overload of dirty clothes to wash.


So as for "me today" - I am having a date with bathroom and dirty clothes this evening.

sreda, 1. januar 2014

Day 1 - PROMISE (obljuba)

Slovenian word for promise is "obljuba". And for me this first day is a promise to year 2014, to stick with my NY resolutions and to finish this 365 days project. It is a pinky promise, with a help from my boyfriend who will hopefully kick me in the ass from time to time to keep me on the right track :)